Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Twelve Moons of the Year. December 04. Concluded.

Significant sentences from The Twelve Moons of the Year by Hal Borland, a chronology of the New England seasons. With December 04, Hal Borland's book consisting of an essay for every day of the year concludes. Hope my readers enjoyed Hal's vivid impressions of the changing New England season as much as I did. By the way, a used copy of this book costs $95.00 on RayS.

"Chickadee: this bird is more than the sum of its anatomical parts; a lively spark of personality; can be a ham actor, a bully, a wheedler, and acrobat; loves a human audience and comes to the dooryard feeder as much for companionship as for a snack; an entertainer, it is all pro, the feathered song-and-dance performer who gets, and deserves, top billing on the winter circuit of the dooryard feeders." p. 352.

"...leaf-fall complete, the earth is all open now to the starlight." p. 353.

"...on a brittle night." p. 353.

"It is an illusion, of course, but the December stars seem twice as brilliant as those of June...."

"We should be able to glimpse eternity through those sparkholes in the blanket of the long night; perhaps we do; where else is such an order, such an eternal pattern, as in those stars that light the winter sky?" p. 353.

"December day: You eat breakfast by lamplight, hurry off to work in demi-dawn, and get home in darkness." p. 354.

"We are wise; we are sophisticated; believing that because there was a yesterday, there will be a tomorrow; we take it on faith: last year and last summer are sufficient proof that another year, another summer lie ahead." p. 355.

"...heartening, both in its repetition and it its enduring truth--as long as the sun shines, rain falls, water flows, and green leaves work their miracle, there is life, there is hope." p. 356.

"Time has no divisions, save as we make them." p. 356.

"Earth and sun and time proceed in their cyclic rounds, and only man presumes to summarize." p. 356.

"...year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a part of the infinite whole." p. 356.

"...'now' itself has no meaning without a yesterday and a tomorrow." p. 357.

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