Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Twelve Moons of the Year. September 01.

Significant sentences from The Twelve Moons of the Year by Hal Borland, a chronology of the New England seasons.

"September comes, and with it a sense of autumn." p. 240.

"Summer thins away." p. 240.

"Autumn never comes overnight...creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon...tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves...." p. 240.

"Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but it seems to rise to a peak of golden abundance in early September." p. 241.

"But the particular spectacle of September is the asters." p. 241.

"After summer's heat and haste, September even brings a sense of quiet and leisure." p. 242.

"Asters frost the roadsides, reminder of frosty mornings ahead...." p. 242.

"Fireflies are gone, but the stars begin to glitter in the deepening dusk." p. 242.

"The cicada is stilled, but cricket and katydid are loud in the lengthening night." p. 242.

"...wild asters spangle our landscape." p. 244.

"Harvests are reaped, farms are snugged, fireplace smoke scents the evenings." p. 245.

"The bumblebee waits for midday warmth to seek his breakfast and crickets chirp all afternoon in the roadside grass." p. 246.

"You walk with the measured rhythm of the year, unhurried, and you become a part of it." p. 246.

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