Sunday, April 8, 2007

Only Yesterday. Frederick Lewis Allen. Continued.

Significant Sentences. Ironic view of the 1920s.

Radio penetrating every third home in the country; giant broadcasting stations with nationwide hookups; tenement-house roofs covered with forests of antennae.p. 117.

The war had impoverished Europe and hardly damaged the United States at all; when peace came the Americans found themselves the economic masters of the world...had developed mass production to a new point of mechanical and managerial efficiency. p. 118.

Prosperity was assisted too, by two new stimulants...each of which mortgaged the future but kept the factories roaring: installment buying...and stock-market speculation. p. 119.

...the public was in a mood to forgive every sin committed in the holy name of business. p. 120.

By far the most famous of these dramatic advertisements of the Post-war Decade was the long series in which the awful results of halitosis were set forth through the depiction of a gallery of unfortunates whose closest friends would not tell them. p. 123.

Almost the most remarkable thing about Coolidge Prosperity was Calvin Coolidge. He was a meager-looking man, a Vermonter with a hatchet face, tight lips, and the expression, as William Allen White remarked, of one 'looking down his nose to locate the evil smell which seemed forever to affront him.' ...In private he could be garrulous, but in public he was as silent as a cake of ice. p. 128.

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