Friday, May 11, 2007

Kennedy. Theodore C. Sorenson. Significant Sentences. Continued.

Significant sentences from Kennedy by Theodore Soresnson, a history of the words and philosophy of President Kennedy. Continued.

JFK: "...civility is not a sign of weakness." p. 277.

JFK: Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. p. 277.

JFK: "All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days...nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet...but let us begin." p. 277.

JFK: "...a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself." p. 278.

JFK: "...with a good conscience our only sure reward...." p. 278.

Sorenson: " outlook more practical than theoretical and more logical than ideological; an ability to be precise and concise; a willingness to change; and ability to work hard and long, creatively, imaginatively, successfully." p. 287.

Sorenson: "John Kennedy, in selecting his associates, did not pretend or attempt to achieve an average cross-section of the country--he wanted the best." p. 288.

Sorenson: "...he knew that it was humanly impossible for him to know all that he would like to know, see everyone who deserved to be seen, read all that he ought to read, write every message that carried his name and take part in all meetings affecting his plans." p. 289.

Sorenson: " his [JFK's] administration, Cabinet members could make recommendations on major matters, but only the President could make decisions." p. 289.

Sorenson: "He often expressed impatience with lengthy memoranda from certain aides which boiled down to recommendations that he 'firm up our posture' or 'make a new effort' on some particular problem." p. 290.

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