Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kennedy. Theodore C. Sorenson. Significant Sentences. Continued.

Significant sentences from Kennedy by Theodore Sorenson, a history of the words and philosophy of President Kennedy. Continued.

JFK: The Joint Chiefs of Staff...advise you the way a man advises another one about whether he should marry a girl... He doesn't have to live with her." p. 438.

JFK: "The advisers may move on--to new advice." p. 438.

Sorenson: "...he [JFK] liked hearing alternatives and assumptions challenged before he made up his mind." p. 438.

Sorenson: "To help the next generation, he was always fashioning, not grand designs, but single steps--toward disarmament and space discoveries and salt water conversion and an end to illiteracy and disease." p. 439.

Sorenson: "As his [JFK's] months in office increased, however, he talked more and more about the limitations of power." p. 439.

Sorenson: 'He [JFK] was wise enough to know that in a nation of consent, not command, Presidential words alone cannot always produce results." p. 439.

Sorenson: "But as President, he [JFK] more than compensated for his limited background in economics by his superb ability to absorb information and to ask the right questions." p. 443.

Sorenson: "...that the Budget represented not a bureaucratic grab but loans to farmers and small businessmen, aid to education and conservation, urban renewal and area redevelopment." p. 472.

Sorenson: "We tried every possible way to make a dull economics speech interesting...used charts beside his desk...cited real-life human interest examples of individuals helped by his programs." p. 479.

Sorenson: "The challenge was clear, the answer was not." p. 489.

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