Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kennedy. Theodore C. Sorenson. Significant Sentences. Continued.

Significant sentences from Kennedy by Theodore Sorenson, a history of the words and philosophy of President Kennedy. Sorenson. Continued.

Sorenson: "As a Senator in 1954, he had assailed in a magazine article the 'myths' which 'surrounded...American foreign policy,' including '...the existence of inherently good, bad or backward nations...the impairment of an aggressor's military power by refusing...our diplomatic recognition...that the democratic way of life...will inevitably be the victor in any struggle with an alien power....' " p. 574.

Sorenson: "As President-elect in 1960-1961, he surprised Dean rusk... 'by the extent to which he wanted to look at everything from the beginning...the origins.' " p. 574.

JFK: "We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient...that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94% of mankind--that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity--and that, therefore, there cannot be an American solution to every world problem."

JFK: "We must face up to the chance of war, if we are to maintain the peace." p. 575.

JFK: "A willingness to resist force, unaccompanied by a willingness to talk, could provoke belligerence--while a willingness to talk, unaccompanied by a willingness to resist force, could invite disaster." p. 575.

JFK: "Because of the ingenuity of science and man's own inability to control his relationships with one another...we happen to live in the most dangerous time in the history of the human race." p. 576.

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